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Test score report and certificate

首頁 常見問題 成績單和證書
Test score report and certificate

  • 1.我想要更改成績單證書的寄送地址,怎麼辦?(I want to change the address that my TOCFL test score report and certificate will be sent to. What can I do?)

    - 如果您想要更改成績單證書的寄送地址,請在考後7天內,電郵通知本會,請提供中英文姓名、帳號(護照號碼或居留證)等資訊,以及您希望更改的正確地址。
    - 如果已經超過考後7天,也請你電郵提供以上資訊,我們會等您的掛號信件被郵局退回後,再重新幫您寄出。如果要寄到海外,請提供完整的英文地址(包含國家)。

    - If you want to change the address of where your TOCFL test score report and certificate will be sent to, please email us within 7 days of your test date. In the email please provide your Chinese and English name, account ID (passport number or ARC number) and the address where you would like your TOCFL test score and certificate to be sent to.
    - If 7 days have already passed since you have taken your test, please email us with the same details as above, and we will resend your TOCFL test score report and certificate once it has been returned to us by the post office. If you would like your TOCFL test score report and certificate to be sent overseas, please provide your address (including country) in English.
  • 2.什麼時候可以收到成績單證書?(When will I receive my TOCFL test score report and certificate?)

    - 成績單證書寄出日,請參考當年度考試日程表,上面有各場次成績單證書的寄出日期。
    - 正常來說,臺灣北部地區隔天送達,中南部後天可送到。郵差會在白天送到您在報名系統填寫的地址,因為以掛號郵件寄出,需要有人簽收,不是本人也可以。如果連續好幾次沒有人簽收,郵差會留一張招領郵件通知單,請儘快帶著通知單和證件去指定的郵局領取。

    - Please refer to the annual test schedule to see when TOCFL test score reports and certificates will be sent out for each test session.
    - It is typical for people in Taiwan’s northern region to receive TOCFL test score reports and certificates after one business day in transit, and for people in the middle and southern regions to receive their reports in two business days. The report and certificate will be sent via registered mail, so a signature will be required (the signee does not have to be the recipient). If after multiple attempts to deliver the mail fails, the post office will leave a notice for pick up. Please bring the notice and pick up your test score report and certificate at the designated post office as soon as possible.
  • 3.我需要申請獎學金或工作證,可以早點拿到成績單嗎?(I need to apply for a scholarship or workers permit, can I receive my test score report and certificate sooner?)

    - 不管任何理由,我們都無法提早寄出成績單證書。
    - 如果您急需成績單證書,請寫服務信箱告知姓名、帳號(護照號碼或居留證)等資訊,並表示您要更改在成績單證書寄出日當天,親自到林口辦公室或臺北辦公室取件(取件時間為下午1:30後)。

    - Unfortunately, we can not issue any early test score report or certificate.
    - If you urgently need your test score report or certificate, please email us with your Chinese and English name, account ID (passport number or ARC number) and request an in person pick up on the day test results are scheduled to be mailed out. In person pickups can be made at the Linkou or Taipei office after 1:30PM.
  • 4.如果無法提早拿到成績單證書,可以先給我通過等級的簡單證明嗎?(If I can not receive my test score report or certificate at an earlier date, can I receive any form of proof for passing a certain level of the TOCFL?)


    Aside from the test score report and certificate, we are unable to provide any documents proving mastery of a certain level of the TOCFL.
  • 5.我要怎麼在系統上查考試成績?(How can I check my test results online?)


    Please login into the registration website, and select “Check Test Result” from the leftmost column, then select the test you have taken and click on “inquire” from the right most column.
  • 6.為什麼成績單寄出日後,我一直沒收到成績單證書?(Why have I not received my test score report and certificate even after it has been mailed out?)

    - 如果您在報名網站中填寫的地址不完整,或是填寫錯誤,請您寫信到服務信箱service@sc-top.org.tw,提供我們正確的寄送地址。
    - 如果您填了「可寄送華語單位」這個欄位,我們會優先寄到華語中心,不會寄到你填的地址。請儘速帶著證件,到你選擇的華語中心領取。
    - 如果您只填「個人地址」,卻沒有收到,可能郵差送信,沒有人簽收。請檢查信箱裡有沒有郵差留下的通知單,請儘快帶著通知單和證件到指定的郵局領取。
    - 如果您在「個人地址」填入學校或宿舍地址,信件很可能在學校收件單位,如:收發室或警衛室。每個學校狀況不一樣,請您找學校老師幫忙問問看。
    - 如果以上都沒有,請您電郵告知姓名、帳號(護照號碼或居留證)等資訊,如果我們收到退件,可以再幫你寄到新的地址。
    - 如果我們沒有接到退件,可能真的遺失了。您可以向我們申請加發成績單證書,請到官網>各類申請>證書加發,下載申請表。

    We will mail the test score report and certificate to the address you registered with on your profile.
    - If your address is incomplete or incorrect, please email service@sc-top.org.tw and provide us with the correct address.
    - If you selected the “send to test center” option, we will prioritize sending your test score report and certificate to the test center and not your address. Please bring a photo ID to the test center to pick up your test score report and certificate as soon as possible.
    - If you have selected for the report and certificate to be shipped to your personal address but have not received them, check your mailbox to see if there are any pick up notices from the post office. If there is a pick up notice from the post office, please bring the pick up notice and your photo ID to the designated post office to receive your test score report and certificate.
    - If none of the above scenarios apply, please email us at service@sc-top.org.tw your Chinese and English name, account ID (passport or ARC number) and related information. If we receive any returned mail with your test score report and certificate, we will re-mail it to your new address.
    - If we have not received any returned mail, the test score report and certificate could have been lost in transit. You may apply for another copy of the test score report and certificate to be sent out. Please visit the SC-TOP website, click on the “Test in Taiwan” tab, click on “Applications” and click on “Additional Test Score Report and Certificate Issuing” to download the application form.
  • 7.證書上面的個人資料錯誤,怎麼辦?(The TOCFL certificate has my incorrect personal information. What can I do?)

    - 我們按照您在報名網站上提供的個人資料(中英文姓名、國籍、生日)製作證書;考試點名的時候,您也有機會向監試人員更正錯誤資料。
    - 如果您在考後發現證書個人資料錯誤,請到官網>各類申請>證書加發,按照「成績單證書補發」的流程提出申請,在申請表的備註欄寫明您要修改的資訊,並且將原本的證書寄回本會,我們才能核發新的證書給您。

    - We issue the TOCFL test score report and certificate based on the information provided by your online test registration profile (English and Chinese name, nationality, birthday). You also have the chance to notify your proctor of any mistakes regarding your personal information during your test.
    - If you find any errors regarding your personal information after taking your test, please visit the SC-TOP website, click on the “Test in Taiwan” tab, click on “Applications” and click on “Additional Test Score Report and Certificate Issuing” tab to download the application form. Please fill out the correct information on the application form, and mail back the incorrect test score report and certificate. Once we have received the old incorrect test score report and certificate, we will reissue you the corrected TOCFL test score report and certificate.
  • 8.我以前考過華測,我可以加發或補發成績單證書嗎?(I have taken the TOCFL test before, is it possible to get a TOCFL test score report and certificate reissued?)


    As language proficiency changes over time, we can only reissue test score reports and certificates within 2 years from the date of your test.
  • 9.成績單或證書的有效期限多久?(Do the test score certificates have an effective period or expiration date?)


    TOCFL test score reports and certificates do not have an expiration date, however many schools and companies have their own rules regarding language proficiency certificates. Please consult the school or hiring agency to learn more about their rules and regulations.
  • 10.如何查詢2009年至2013年11月的華語文能力測驗成績

    - 華語文能力測驗線上報名系統網址即日起更改為http://reg.sc-top.org.tw/,請考生上新版報名系統網頁註冊及報名。
    - 報考2013年11月2日、3日華語文能力測驗考試(台灣地區)的考生,若想在網路上查詢測驗成績,請登入舊版報名系統網頁:
    - 舊版報名系統網頁將於2014年12月31日關閉,將會清除全部考生資訊,造成不便,敬請見諒!

    - The TOCFL on-line registration website has now moved. Please click http://reg.sc-top.org.tw/ to visit the new website.
    - If you would like to retrieve your test results of the TOCFL tests administered on November 2nd and 3rd, 2013 (Taiwan), please visit the old registration website,
    - The old version of the TOCFL on-line registration website will be closed from December 31st, 2014. All of the information on the old website will be deleted. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

地址 : 24449 新北市林口區仁愛路一段2號 資訊與教學大樓B棟7樓
7F, Information and Academic Building, No. 2, Sec. 1, Ren-ai Rd., Lin-kou Dist., New Taipei City 24449, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL : 02-77495638(轉8201~8205)  FAX : 02-26014181  Email : service @ sc-top.org.tw 服務時間:週一至週五9:00~17:00