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Questions before the test

首頁 常見問題 測驗前的相關問題
Questions before the test

  • 1.我想要更改成績單證書的寄送地址,怎麼辦?(I want to change the address that my TOCFL test score report and certificate will be sent to. What can I do?)

    - 如果您想要更改成績單證書的寄送地址,請在考後7天內,電郵通知本會,請提供中英文姓名、帳號(護照號碼或居留證)等資訊,以及您希望更改的正確地址。
    - 如果已經超過考後7天,也請你電郵提供以上資訊,我們會等您的掛號信件被郵局退回後,再重新幫您寄出。如果要寄到海外,請提供完整的英文地址(包含國家)。

    - If you want to change the address of where your TOCFL test score report and certificate will be sent to, please email us within 7 days of your test date. In the email please provide your Chinese and English name, account ID (passport number or ARC number) and the address where you would like your TOCFL test score and certificate to be sent to
    - If 7 days have already passed since you have taken your test, please email us with the same details as above, and we will resend your TOCFL test score report and certificate once it has been returned to us by the post office. If you would like your TOCFL test score report and certificate to be sent overseas, please provide your address (including country) in English
  • 2.我需要報名費的繳費收據,要怎麼申請?(How can I get a receipt for my test registration fees?)

    - 請您在繳費之後,寫信到服務信箱service@sc-top.org.tw,提供中英文姓名、帳號(護照號碼或居留證)等資訊,以及收據的寄送地址,我們可以開立收據給您。
    - 請在考試後7日內申請收據,超過時間,我們無法受理。

    - After you have paid your test registration fees, please email service@sc-top.org.tw and provide your Chinese and English name, account ID (passport or ARC number), and the address where you would like the receipt sent. We will issue a receipt for you.
    - Please make sure to submit your request for a receipt within 7 days of your test date. After the deadline, we can not accept any requests for issuing receipts.
  • 3.考試前,我會收到考試通知嗎?(Before my test, will I receive any notifications?)

    - 我們會在考試當週的週一和週四,透過系統寄送「到考通知信件」到您的電子信箱,提供測驗時間、地點、教室和座位號碼等資訊。
    - 如果您沒有收到「到考通知信件」,請檢查您的垃圾郵件;如果找到,請將這封信件設為「非垃圾郵件」。
    - 如果還是沒有收到「到考通知信件」,請登入報名系統,查看報考資訊;也請檢查您的電子郵件有沒有填錯。如果有錯,請寫服務信箱來更正:service@sc-top.org.tw。

    - On Monday and Thursday of the week of your test, we will send an email reminder detailing the time, location, classroom, and seat number for your test.
    - If you do not receive an email reminder, please check your spam folder. If found, please set the reminder email as “not spam”
    - If you do not see the reminder email in your spam folder, please login to your test registration account on the SC-TOP website and make sure your email is entered correctly on your test registration. If there is a mistake, please email service@sc-top.org.tw and we will help you fix the issue.
  • 4.考試當天,我應該要帶什麼?(What do I need to bring on the day of the test?)

    - 請一定要帶「護照」或「居留證」,監試人員會檢查您的身分證件,並以此核對您本人。
    - 請帶筆,考場會提供測驗專用紙,讓您考試時可以做筆記。

    - Please make sure to bring your passport or ARC (Alien Resident Certificate). The test proctors will check your personal identification to ensure the name on your ID matches with your registration information.
    - Please bring a pen or pencil to write with. The test facility will provide you with paper that you may take notes on during the test.
  • 5.如果考試當天我沒有辦法帶護照或居留證,怎麼辦?(I can not bring my passport or ARC (Alien Resident Certificate) on the day of my test. What can I do?)

    - 如果考試當天您沒有辦法帶護照或居留證,請帶2張有「姓名」和「照片」的證件,例如:學生證、健保卡、駕照等。
    - 如果考試當天您只帶了1張附有照片的證件,我們會讓您先簽「考生切結書」並拍攝您與您的證件,讓您先入場考試。後續要請您本人於考試後一週內,在上班時間(週一到五9:00-12:00;13:30-17:00)親自到我們的辦公室,讓我們再次檢查您的護照或是居留證;如果您沒有前來補證,成績將會以0分計算。

    - If you are unable to bring your passport or ARC (Alien Resident Certificate) on the day of your test, please bring two other forms of identification with your name and photo. For example: student ID, National Health Insurance card, driver’s license, etc.
    - If you only bring one form of photo identification on the day of the test, we will ask you to sign a declaration form and take a photo of you with your ID. We will require you to bring your passport or ARC (Alien Resident Certificate) within 7 days after your test date to our office so that we can confirm your identity. If you do not provide further proof after your test, you will automatically receive a test score of 0.
  • 6.如果我的護照拿去辦居留證,考試後一週內還拿不到,怎麼辦?(I am applying for my ARC (Alien Resident Certificate) and will not get my passport back within a week after I have taken my test. What can I do?)


    If you have already submitted your passport in order to apply for an ARC, please bring your proof of residency application on the day of your test and show it to a SC-TOP employee. The SC-TOP employee will use the estimated completion date for the ARC application as a guideline for your time frame to submit personal identification documents to prove your identity.
  • 7.進入考場,我應該要注意什麼?(What do I need be mindful of upon entering the testing environment?)

    - 進入考場前,請一定要記得把手機關機,並取消鬧鈴設定。如果考試期間,您的手機發出聲響或震動,成績一律以0分計算。
    - 請遵守考試規則,不東張西望,不和旁邊的考生交談。
    - 點名的時候,如果您發現個人資料(中英文姓名、國籍、生日)錯誤,請儘快向監試人員更正。
    - 如果有問題,請隨時舉手,請監試人員協助。
    - 考試結束,離開考場前,請記得帶走您的隨身物品,尤其是您的證件。

    - Before entering the test room, please make sure to turn off your cell phone, and any alarms set. If your cell phone makes any noise or vibrates during the test, you will automatically receive a 0 on your test.
    - Please follow the rules of the test, do not look around or chat with other test takers around you.
    - During roll call, if you notice any mistakes of your personal information (Chinese or English name, nationality, birthday) please let your test proctor know right away to fix the issue.
    - If you have questions at any point, please raise your hand and ask the test proctors for help.
    - When the test is completed, please make sure to bring all your personal valuables and IDs with you.
  • 8.考試當天,我可以把考場的測驗專用紙帶走嗎?(Can I bring the provided scratch paper during my test home with me?)

    - 離開考場前,請記得帶走您的證件,但請不要把「測驗專用紙」帶走。
    - 如果您不小心帶走,我們會請您把「測驗專用紙」交回考場的監試人員;如果您不配合,成績將以0分計算。

    - Before leaving the exam room, please make sure to bring your IDs with you, but do not take the provided scratch paper.
    - If you accidently take the provided scratch paper with you, please return the scratch paper to the test proctor, or you will automatically receive a 0 on your test.
  • 9.考試結束,我可以用手機拍下螢幕顯示的成績嗎?(After my test is completed, can I take a picture of my test score with my cell phone?)

    - 不可以,在試場內任何時間,都是禁止使用手機。
    - 如果違反,成績一律以0分計算。

    - No. Cell phones are not allowed at any time during the test.
    - If you do not comply with the rules, you will automatically receive a 0 on your test
  • 10.考試的時候用的是正體字還是簡體字?(Will the test be in Traditional Chinese, or Simplified Chinese?)

    - 臺灣地區的TOCFL考試只提供正體字的服務。
    - 海外地區的TOCFL有正體字與簡體字可以選擇。

    - TOCFL Tests conducted in Taiwan will only be offered in traditional Chinese.
    - TOCFL Tests conducted overseas will have the option of choosing traditional or simplified Chinese.
  • 11.考試當天如果遇到颱風,怎麼辦?(What if there is a typhoon on the day of the test?)


    In the event of a typhoon or natural disaster on the day of the test, please refer to your test site’s local county government for guidance. If the local government of the test site is shut down due to the typhoon, the test will be postponed. We will follow up with an email regarding the retesting date and you will have the option to sign up for the retest, receive a full refund, or forfeit your test. (If you choose to forfeit your test, there will be no refund offered)

地址 : 24449 新北市林口區仁愛路一段2號 資訊與教學大樓B棟7樓
7F, Information and Academic Building, No. 2, Sec. 1, Ren-ai Rd., Lin-kou Dist., New Taipei City 24449, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL : 02-77495638(轉8201~8205)  FAX : 02-26014181  Email : service @ sc-top.org.tw 服務時間:週一至週五9:00~17:00