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首頁 常見問題 準備華語文能力測驗
Test Preparation

  • 1.電腦考試怎麼進行?我沒有參加過,怎麼辦?(How are computerized tests conducted? I have not taken a computerized test before, what can I do to familiarize myself?)
    - 如果您報名聽讀測驗,電腦考試只需要使用電腦、耳機和滑鼠,您只需要使用滑鼠,點選正確答案即可。您可以連結「線上模擬測驗」,可以熟悉聽讀測驗考試題型,讓你體驗電腦考試流程。
    - 如果您報名口語測驗,除了使用電腦、耳機、滑鼠之外,還需要使用麥克風,錄製您回答題目的聲音。
    - 如果您報名寫作測驗,除了使用電腦、耳機、滑鼠之外,還需要使用鍵盤,輸入文字,進行答題。


    - If you are registered for the computerized TOCFL listening and reading test, only the computer, earphones, and mouse will be used. You will only need to use the mouse to select the correct answers. You can go on the SC-TOP website and take a “Mock Test” to familiarize yourself with the TOCFL listening and reading test format and questions.
    - If you are registered for the TOCFL speaking test, you will be using a computer. earphones, a mouse, and a microphone to record your answers.
    - If you are registered for the TOCFL writing test, you will be using a computer, earphones, a mouse, and a keyboard to type your responses.

    It is recommended after your test registration to watch the “Test system operation movie” before taking your test. (https://tocfl.edu.tw/index.php/exam/operating)
  • 2.如何準備華語文聽力測驗、閱讀測驗?




    1. Get familiar with all the information about the test in advance
    Before taking the test, you should familiarize yourself with the related issues about TOCFL, including the test objectives/targets, test procedures, test format/content and rules of testing centers etc. The more you are familiar with the test, the less nervous you will be on the test day.

    2.Set your learning goals
    Practice makes perfect. If you practice continuously every day, your language ability will improve. In other words, if you set your learning goals according to your language ability, you will of course increase the possibility of passing the test and receive a certificate. You can get familiar with the speed Chinese is spoken in daily-use context by watching TV and movies and by listening to radio programs. Some Chinese teaching materials come with CDs, with which you can practice listening and note-taking without referring to the printed texts. This is helpful for you to catch the main ideas in the talk. You may use the following books as your references in your further study: Practical Audio-Visual Chinese; Far East Everyday Chinese; Chinese Folk Tales; Mandarin Daily News; Radio Plays; Taiwan TV News Programs; Chinese Customs and Traditions; Advanced Chinese Reader.

    You should try to expand your vocabulary in your study for the test. When you encounter an unfamiliar word, you should not only memorize its meaning, but also learn its usage from example sentences. In addition, you can also memorize some synonyms and antonyms of the word.

    For most learners of Chinese, the most difficult aspect of reading in Chinese is recognition of characters. You must enlarge the amount of your vocabularies when preparing for the test. However, if you encounter an unfamiliar character, do not look it up in a dictionary immediately. You should try to guess its meaning first from the radical on the side of the character, the shape of the character, and the context, and finally consult a dictionary. This skill not only trains your ability to infer the meaning from the context and the shape of the words, but also reinforces your memory of them.

    Texts used in Band B and above are from a wide range of sources. You are suggested to read newspapers and magazines extensively and also read authentic language materials such as advertisements, announcement, product manuals, etc.

    If you plan to take TOCFL on Level 4 or above, a profound knowledge of proverbs and idioms is important, and should be developed by extensive reading. The use of these words and phrases is not based on the literal or surface meaning. You need to understand the implied meaning and the proper occasions to use them.

    3.Practice the mock test
    Before the test, you can practice mock tests with the time restriction, so as to get used to the appropriate answering speed. By practicing the mock tests, you can know well the test format and the answering methods, which will lead to better scores.
  • 3.如何準備華語文口語測驗?


    1.Practice speaking Chinese to your teachers, classmates, friends or colleagues, and describe in Chinese your likes and dislikes; state your opinions in Chinese.
    2.Familiarize yourself with the test format and content; such information is available on the official TOCFL website.

  • 4.如何準備華語文寫作測驗?


    1.Familiarize yourself with Chinese writing styles by practice writing reminders, email, or essays to tell a story, describe personal experiences and feelings. You may also try to express your thoughts regarding an article or news story in the form of written words, so as to improve your writing.
    2.Use Online Writing Practice Platform provided by the Committee to familiarize with exam process and questions. The Practice allows test takers to have their writing reviewed by raters so as to identify and be mindful of their problems.
    3.Familiarize yourself with “Notes” posted on the official website so you may spare the reading and allow yourself more time to complete the task on the actual exam.
    4.Practice frequently Chinese input modes (Phoneticㄅㄆㄇㄈ input or Pinyin) to allow yourself to finish the tasks in time.

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